Threat Exposure Management
Contextualized Cloud Security

Graph-based Threat Exposure Management platform that analyzes, models and visualizes your AWS environment to pro-actively help users quickly and easily pinpoint where their cloud assets are most vulnerable to attack.
"Defenders think in lists. Attackers think in graphs. As long as this is true, attackers win."
John Lambert, Microsoft Threat Intelligence
See your environment from the attacker's perspective
AppAcuity's exposure path analysis and advanced graph theory algorithms identify relationships between otherwise siloed security findings to continuously visualize and prioritize critical security gaps to better secure your cloud stack and ensure your team is working efficiently.
Full Security
AppAcuity's graph-based technology empowers your team with the comprehensive visibility needed to understand your cloud stack
Attack & Exposure Path Management
See the end-to-end exposure and attack paths for VMs, services, storage and containers by calculating their effective external exposure
Maximum Security Minimal Effort
Agentless technology scans your entire cloud environment and maps your assets and their relationships in a graph database
Focus On Risk that Matters Most
Detect, Prioritize, and remediate critical exposure and attack paths so that security teams can focus on what matters most
AWS+EKS Visibility
Connect to your AWS environment and EKS clusters in minutes. AppAcuity’s agentless approach continuously scans your AWS environment and its EKS and ECS clusters. Private EKS clusters can be connected via a Helm-deployed container. AppAcuity’s maps provide highly intuitive cross environment diagrams that quickly identify misconfigurations, overly permissive settings and changes.

Exposure Path Management
Within minutes of connecting, see an automated list of Exposure Paths from various points of entry into your environment along with detailed hop-by-hop reachability to specific assets. Identify unknown or undesired access to assets or environments and take corrective action.
Exposure Path 'hops' to Public EC2 instance
Attack Path Management

Attack Paths are the dangerous combination of exposure, exploitable network vulnerabilities and risky configurations that provide the paths of least resistance to high-value resources within your environment.
Attack Path management provides actionable context on your most critical issues, so your teams can proactively and continuously improve your cloud security posture.
Attack Path to a publicly exposed and network vulnerable EKS hosted container
Attack Surface Management
AppAcuity creates a detailed inventory of your cloud assets and then performs an analysis to determine their attack surface, effective exposure and risk. This analysis can also be applied collectively to logical groupings of assets that make up specific applications, workloads, enclaves or environments. These groupings can be tracked in scorecards as well as visualized in attack surface maps using optional 3rd party data overlays to provide additional context.

Risk-based Prioritization
AppAcuity continuously prioritizes critical risks based on the analysis of misconfigurations, network exposure, vulnerabilities and others factors to provide a prioritized view of risk for your cloud environment.